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OCTOBER 6th 2008

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Story 4

Mount Olympus

 Jupiter, supreme chief of all the gods, sat on his golden throne at the top of Mount Olympus and glared at the other gods and goddesses. 
‘Can you lot not find something useful to do?’ he yelled.
            There was a sudden silence as Pan broke off playing his pipes. Venus, the goddesses of Love and Beauty, glanced up from where she was admiring herself in her mirror, while beside her Cupid hurriedly shoved the arrow he’d been using to clean under his fingernails back into its quiver.
            ‘Take at look at yourselves!’ Jupiter shouted ‘You’ve been loafing around here for aeons doing absolutely nothing! It’s time all of you found some proper work.’

Theresa Breslin


1.  “What would you have us do oh father?” Athena whispered softly.
“Speak up you insolent child of mine!” “NO DAUGHTER of mine shall defy me!”
“Well we have had nothing to do since you banished the titans to the underworld” Athena shouted. Jupiter went red in the face with his daughters disobedience to his rule that he through a lightning bolt at her and once she was knocked over he yelled “ you pathetic child, would you rather the titans return?”
“If it would end your rule then yes!” she screeched as she slowly crawled her way to the podium. As Jupiter raised a lightning bolt about to strike Athena again, Venus jumped in the way of the lightning bolts which with its momentum threw her across the halls of mount Olympus. The room went silent with only the echo Venus’s thump as she landed on the ground with the blood of the gods streaming down her face!

Later that evening once Jupiter had gotten over his rage, Pan began to play a tune on his pipes to sooth Jupiter into a deep sleep, Pan being the little thing he is got pretty tired from playing the pipes and weaving his magic to Jupiter, he fell into a deep hibernation because he was a satyr. At the same time that Pan was playing to Jupiter, Athena was descending Mount Olympus with Venus accompanying her. They had succeeded in evading Jupiter’s gaze because he was too dazed from pans magic.

“How are we going to do this?” Venus asked Athena shaking from the effort of healing herself from Jupiter’s bolt of lightning. “I do not know Venus but I do know that we must break free kronos from his underworld prison!”
“Calm down Athena we’ll be fine.”
“How can you say that, I can’t sleep with knowing I’m so vulnerable to my father.”
“Well we can not do anything tonight we are both to tired and you know that, we will rest now and go to the underworld at first light.”
“We must go earlier because at first light Apollo will begin his search.”
“Very well Athena we will go one hour before first light, and forget about what your father might do and think in a positive attitude.”

“OH MY GOD” yelled the GOD Athena
Venus fell with a thump out of the old willow they were sleeping in and asked Athena in a slightly high voice “What! What is wrong now?”
“It is half an hour until first light we must go now.”
“Very well.” Venus yawned as she was opening a portal to the underworld. They both stepped forward into the land of the dead!

“Where are they “Shouted Jupiter as he found that Venus and Athena were no where to be seen.  “My lord Jupiter” said Pan “they are no where to be seen
“Find them then!” shouted Jupiter

As Venus and Athena Stepped forward into the underworld standing before them was lord of the dead…HADES!

Thomas & Romy (British Int School, Jakarta)


2. The first thing that hit them as they descended into the hellish realm of Hades was the smell. The entire place had the stench of death about it. They wondered through the catacombs that surrounding the vast wasteland that was the underworld.
As they approached the gigantic, rusting metal gates they realised that they hadn’t put Hades massive, three-headed guard dog into the equation of their journey…

Daniel & Ryan (Werneth School, Stockport)


3. Hades’ three headed dog attacked Venus and Athena and hit them hard, they fell to the ground. Athena was furious and she blasted Hades’ dog with her mighty power. The dog fainted, Venus and Athena walked on. They saw two of Hades’ guards and quickly hid behind the huge stone statue. Venus thought of a plan to sneak attack the guards who marched up and down outside the Golden Door which lead to the dark, cavernous dungeon that housed one of the Titans. Venus watched them carefully and then picked up a stone from the dusty floor and threw it as far as she could. The guards looked confused and stared at each other quizzically.  Both of the guards ran over to where the stone had fallen and picked it up. Meanwhile, Athena and Venus sprinted to the Golden Door and rattled it, hoping to force it open. But it was locked. The guard heard the door rattle and rushed to see what the noise was. Venus and Athena used their incredible mind powers together and suddenly, before the guards had time to reach them, the door flew open and let them in. They looked confused when they saw what was in the room; there were a lot of doors
they knew they had to open the one but which one??  They would need a clue to find a way to know which door lead them to where the titans lay captured.

Malisa & Phai (St Andrews School, Bangkok)

4. Athena and Venus searched for clues looking round the room. It was getting later and the sun was nearly at the top of the sky, their chances of finding the titans were getting slimmer. They searched the room but couldn’t find anything.
“We’re just wasting time lets each go different ways as we will have more chance of finding them!” said Athena.
“I agree, meet back here when the sun is at the top of the sky.” Venus agreed.
Venus took the first door; they knew that if they took the wrong door their lives were at risk!
Venus tried to make as little sound as possible because she didn’t know what lay ahead. Athena slowly made her way to the 5th door, trying to be brave, as she knew that the titan’s lives depended on her and Venus. So putting on a brave face she started to walk down the tunnel. By now Venus had reached a grand old door, she took a deep breath and reached for the handle......

Elizabeth and Amy (Hadleigh High School)


5. Athena walked down the cold tunnel, startled at every little noise. Terror began to tremble up Athena’s spine.  She looked around, then it hit her, it was a dead end and an unearthly growl came from behind her. Athena turned instantly and a black wolf came before her very eyes. It had a saddle and rocks began to dislodge themselves from the wall, and flew onto the saddle.  The rocks began to form a human figure and Athena rooted to the very spot, just gaped at the rock man. The wolf let out his tongue, drooling with the thought of fresh meat. Athena closed her eyes and waited for the wolf to proceed, but it did not come. She opened her eyes, the wolf was still stood there, but with its back turned to her, Athena could make out Venus standing gallantly next to Kronos.  She smiled and conjured a fireball, then let it loose.

Megan & Nicola (Warblington School)


6. Pan climbed down the rocky slippery mountain as cautiously as he could, knowing he could fall at any minute.  He was furious at Jupiter for making him do this.  He wanted the Titans back to put an end to Jupiter’s contriving, controlling ways.  Pan was thing so hard he reached the bottom of the mountain before he realised it.  He suddenly tripped and hit his head. Hard.  Trembling he managed to lift himself up and reluctantly glanced about him.  He managed to gain enough strength to summon the portal he could feel had been there not so long ago. 
The instant he stepped through the portal into the land of the dead, the rotten stench of breath hit him and made him feel woozier than before.  In front of him was the enormous dog looking dazed and angry.  He had opened the portal right in front of it!

Jessie and Ellie (Walbottle Campus Technology College)


7.   Meanwhile Juno the Queen of the Gods and the partner of Jupiter jumped off of her gleaming gold throne.
“What?!” she thundered, her emerald green eyes flashing. Mercury, the messenger, stepped back in alarm. He had just delivered a message from Jupiter. Pan, one of the feeblest of her companions, had been delivered right into the heart of the Underworld. She snatched up a beautifully crafted mirror beside her throne and urgently spoke into it, a quiver appearing in her usually regal voice. “Pan”
Instantly, the usually bright jolly face of Pan now pale and trembling appeared in the magical, shiny mirror.
“Pan! My friend - I beg of you return to mount Olympus “She pleaded.
Pan shook his head sadly “My queen, Jupiter ordered me to-“
“What!” she screeched a clump of chestnut hair escaping from her elegant hair style.
“Never mind Jupiter, I’ll deal with him later, but-“
“But nothing, if you cared about me and Athena you would let me save her.” He interrupted.
Juno shook her head stubbornly.” She doesn’t need saving she can take care of herself. Stop trying to play the hero it doesn’t suit you or your fragile personality.”
Pan glared at her, “Those are my orders and I need to obey them.” With that, he broke off the connection leaving the stunning goddess standing alone. She slowly sank to the ground and began to sob silent tears of fear; for Pan, for Athena and for herself.

Sufia & Demi (Oasis Academy Enfield).


8. The Queen glared at the intricately crafted mirror again, this time, in frustration.
Meanwhile, Jupiter was drinking his wine in an arrogant manner, feeling very proud of himself. Feverishly, he grabbed the bottle, and poured another cupful of wine into the wine glass. He was heavily drunk.
 Suddenly, Zeus appears out of thin air and picks up one his lightning bolts.
‘What the heck!’ Jupiter bellowed.
 Then, he hurled it at Jupiter. Feverishly, he picked up his great shield, and placed it in front of him, badly prepared for the attack. The bolt deflected off the shield, and crashed onto the asphalt. Amazingly, it destroyed a quarter of mount Olympus! Furthermore, it created an earthquake. A global earthquake…
‘You destroyed a quarter of my kingdom!’ Jupiter exclaimed.
‘You destroyed a quarter of my kingdom.’ Zeus replied.
It is now a war between Zeus and Jupiter…

Ron and Muhimin (Woolwich Poly)


9. Zeus was now angrily staring at Jupiter, who was ready to fight.  But then Zeus disappeared just like that.   Jupiter stood up frustrated more than ever.  He tossed the wine bottle across the room and it shattered into many pieces.  While Jupiter was thinking of a plan, Athena was stuck between the dog and the wall.   The rock figure was standing with the wolf with a glare harder than a brick.  “I am the voice of help.  You have treated unfairly so now you will help”, said the rock, which disappeared in a second.

            “Athena and Venus help me! I need you to help me get the Titans back”, he yelled as he busted threw the door giving Venus a little push.   “I refuse!” they both replied.   Just as Athena was about to finish, Zeus appeared with the Titans, every single one……………

Selassie PS 161 Harlem, New York (Don Pedro Albizu Campos School, New York)


10. Athena and Venus staggered back in fright at the sight of Zeus and his demonic army.
            “I have come to overthrow Jupiter and become king over all gods and goddesses and control the very existence of everything!” Zeus declared triumphantly.
            “NO!” Athena and Venus cried out in horror.
            Suddenly, a flash of bright fire and lightning struck between Zeus and the gods.  “You cannot defeat me Zeus!”  Instantly after these booming words were spoken, Kronos appeared with his massive army of the undead.   He stood steadily beside Jupiter, wielding his fiery sword. 
            “You will be defeated Jupiter!  You will rue the day you defied me!” Zeus cackled loudly.
            The gods stared each other down, waiting for the first move.  Athena and Venus stood shoulder to shoulder, terrified at what was taking place.  Zeus charged and the war began…..

DeiAnna , Becca, Deantres (All aged 13) (Lee Junior High       Monroe, LA)


11. As the war had begun, all of the gods were fighting with no fear.  It seemed as if both Zeus and Kronos had been teaming up against Jupiter as she was there with no army.  At the same time both Kronos and Zeus’s army had been fighting against each other. 
    As the three gods fought, Athena and Venus stood there terrified not knowing what to do.  As they stood there they saw Pan as he appeared out of the portal.  He had a great amount of astonishment in his voice.  They would have to put all their effort into this battle.

Brittany, Sara, Malik, Kevin  (J.S. Clark Magnet Monroe, Louisiana)


12.  The war is on. “Boom!” There was a mammoth “crack” in Zeus’s direction. All the noise was drowning out the energy from Athena and Venus. Kronos threw Zeus through Mount Olympus, and across the Atlantic. Then it was Jupiter’s turn.
     He let out a great “Pow!”, and the ground suddenly shook like 500,000 elephants playing hopscotch. All of a sudden, things started falling out of place; the columns tumbled on top of them. Even Athena and Venus... When it was silent, a shadowy figure loomed on the wall and said in a concerned and fake voice “What caused all this madness?”

 Avery, Elena, Michael, and Riley – Grade 6        
(Lexington Elementary)

13. Everyone turned.  Pan was hidden by a towering rock yet nobody knew it.  Instead they thought it was the ghost of Hercules, the strongest man on earth.  As they thought it was a ghost, it would obviously be on Hades’ side.
“Come out and help your lord Hercules!” demanded Hades, “or I will have to come myself!”
Now Pan had his own army hidden behind the one and only towering rock.  Jupiter, turning green with envy, started to storm towards Pan’s rock.  Pan grinned evilly as he felt his trap going exactly like he planned.  Jupiter turned the corner and screamed as he saw the tormenting army of Pan.  The torture began….

Morris and Edmund Y7 (Harrow International School Beijing)               


14. The fight began, Pan charged his army to the fight as Jupiter shouted.
“You insolent traitor, I should have never let you work for me!!! You’ll never beat me because I’m the most powerful god!!”
The fight was getting harsher as Pan’s army joined the fight.
“I don’t think you can rule anymore because your time is definitely over!!!” Pan screeched proudly.
Pan stroke Jupiter hardly, making him fell over. Jupiter couldn’t use any lightning bolts because Pan was too fast. Zeus also tried to get Pan but he was stopped by Pan’s army.
“Jupiter, there is no way we can fight with him, we are outnumbered and he is too fast for us!!!” Zeus shouted while he trembled in fear.
“I have an idea, why don’t we join selves into one new god and our power would be doubled, then we can defeat Pan and his army,” Jupiter replied Zeus with a delighed voice.
They got close to each other and both shouted, “Fusion, Ha!!!” And an explosion took place. After a while, there was neither Zeus nor Jupiter but just one new god.
“My name is Zupiter and I shall defeat ALL!!!” Zupiter shouted…

American International School, Saigon

15. Pan did not fear them; even together they were not as powerful as him. Every time they tried to strike a fatal blow Pan leapt aside with the agility of a tiger, growling slightly. He fought back with his incredible hidden power but couldn’t destroy the mighty Zupiter. Zupiter struck Pan with such tremendous force that Pan hit the ground. Hard.

Pan was seeing stars. Anyone would see he was completely unaware of the happenings around him. Just at that moment Venus rushed over to Pan’s side to check he was ok and his wounds weren’t fatal. Athena was horrified and automatically threw a thousand daggers of steel-with her mind- at Zupiter. He was thrown to the floor but still managed to pull himself onto two feet. As he did so he whispered harshly in Athena’s ear “You will regret this!”

Pan was recovering amazingly quickly and managed to bring himself to his feet. He was furious and felt he needed, not only to bring Zupiter down from his throne but to murder him as brutally as possible as well.  “How dare you speak to Athena with such disrespect?” Pan yelled passionately. Athena was bewildered, she had never realised how brave Pan was. She felt she had to repay him for such bravery therefore she stepped in front of him and shouted at Zupiter-sounding a lot braver than she felt-“You will never defeat me and Pan, united we can create power you have never imagined in your wildest dreams...”
“Lies!” Zupiter shouted with anger, concentrating his mind, only thinking about destroying Pan. Athena sensed this and just as Zupiter zapped an amazing fiery ball out of his shaking hands she jumped in front of Pan and took the deathly blow instead of Pan.

Venus ran over to Athena, holding back her tears, hoping and hoping she would recover and survive but she knew in her heart she was dead. Zupiter made an evil grin and cackled “We told you so! You haven’t seen the last of me, this is not the end, and this is just the beginning!” With blink of an eye he was gone as if he had never been there at all...

Lucy and Stephanie (Lord Lawson of Beamish school)



As the news of Athena’s death spread amongst the warring soldiers the fighting stopped, gradually they began dispersing, confused and dazed, staggering as if drunk.  They made their way back to where they had come from.
Athena’s death affected everyone, but none more profoundly than Juno, Queen of the Gods.  Screaming in anguish Athena’s mother began tearing at her hair and clothes, overwhelmed by the emotions of grief.
Pan, edging slowly closer, tried to reach out and comfort her.
“Don’t touch me!” She screamed, “Leave me alone! It’s all your fault.” Juno collapsed sobbing onto her throne.
“But my Queen, I tried to save her, really, I did” He coward in fear. “If it wasn’t for Zupiter this would never have happened”.
Juno lifted her tear streaked face, “hand me my mirror?” She commanded.
Juno, Queen of the Gods, clutched her ornate, golden mirror in front of her and with a voice of thunder called upon Zupiter.  The distorted faces of Zeus and Jupiter filled the glass, pulling against each other in the same body, making the skin taut and deformed.  Muttering under her breath Juno then blew gently across the surface of the mirror.
Leagues away a vicious wind whipped into Zupiter from all directions tearing at his body.  Agony rippled across the two faces of Zupiter as the bodies of Zeus & Jupiter were torn asunder.  Lying prostate on the ground Zeus & Jupiter, once a united almighty God lay diminished and destroyed.

Ms Peters, Woolwich Polytechnic School